
What Is the Engine Control Module?

The engine control module is your vehicle’s main computer chip. Some people also call it the ECM or call the computer chip the engine control unit. Either way, your automobile will not run if there is a problem with the engine control module. Let’s talk more about the module below and what it does.

The Engine Control Module

Your vehicle has an extensive computer system that is made up of the ECM and several system sensors. These two things communicate with each other when you start your automobile and while it is running. An example of this communication is the illuminated dashboard warning lights when you first start your car, truck, or utility vehicle.

These lights mean that the system sensors are reporting that the systems are okay when you first start your automobile. With each report, the ECM will turn off the associated dashboard warning light. Watch this the next time you start your automobile. It’s fascinating to see this communication.

If something is wrong, the associated system sensor will report an error code to the engine control module. In this case, the module will take action to try to resolve the problem. If it resolves the problem, it will turn off the associated dashboard warning light. If it cannot resolve the problem, it will leave the light on.

The communication continues while you are driving your automobile. The engine control module works hard to resolve any error codes that it receives while you are driving. It also helps your vehicle perform by doing things such as firing the spark plugs in the right order and balancing the air and fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.

If something goes wrong while you are driving, the engine control module will try to fix it. If it cannot fix the problem, it will turn on a dashboard warning light. The check engine light covers problems that do not have lights of their own.

The Diagnostic Test

Let’s assume for the moment that the engine control module turned on the check engine light. When you bring your vehicle to our shop, we will attach the module to a diagnostic testing machine. This will download the error codes that the module received from the system sensors. These error codes tell us immediately why your check engine light turned on, i.e., you have a transmission problem. This allows us to fix the problem right away.

Call us today if you have a check engine or other dashboard light warning. We can find out what the problem is and fix it quickly.

Photo by Andranik Hakobyan from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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